Scientists use large finite element model to simulate magnetization reversal of Nd-Fe-B magnet

Development of tomography-based models. a A series of FIB-SEM images of a thermally deformed Nd-Fe-B magnet. b Image processing, including 2D segmentation and conversion of particle slices into point clouds. c Produce close-packed 3D convex grains isolated from each other by intergranular phases. The triple connection points are not visible except for a zoomed area showing the mesh around one of the connection points. Credit: npj computational materials (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41524-024-01218-5

NIMS successfully simulated the magnetization reversal of Nd-Fe-B magnets using a large-scale finite element model based on tomography data obtained by electron microscopy.

This simulation reveals microstructural features that hinder coercivity, which quantifies a magnet’s resistance to demagnetization in opposing magnetic fields. New tomography-based models are expected to guide the development of sustainable permanent magnets with ultimate performance.

High-tech industries such as green power generation and electric transportation rely heavily on high-performance permanent magnets, among which NdFeB permanent magnets have the strongest performance and the largest demand. To date, the coercivity of industrial Nd-Fe-B magnets has been well below physical limits. To solve this problem, micromagnetic simulations can be performed on real models of magnets.

This study presents a new method for reconstructing the true microstructure of ultrafine-grained Nd-Fe-B magnets in large-scale models and has now been published in the journal npj computational materials.

Specifically, tomographic data from a series of 2D images obtained through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with uniform focused ion beam (FIB) polishing can be converted into high-quality 3D finite element models.

This tomography-based approach is general and can be applied to other polycrystalline materials to solve a wide range of materials science questions.

Micromagnetic simulations based on tomography models reproduce the coercivity of ultrafine-grained Nd-Fe-B magnets and explain their mechanisms. Microstructural features related to coercivity and magnetization reversal nucleation are revealed.

The developed model can therefore be considered a digital twin of the Nd-Fe-B magnet – a virtual representation of the object designed to accurately reflect its physical properties.

The proposed digital twin of the Nd-Fe-B magnet is accurate enough to reproduce the microstructure and magnetic properties that can be used for inversion problems when designing on-demand high-performance permanent magnets.

For example, when researchers input the magnetic properties required for a specific application, such as traction or variable magnet motors, a data-driven research pipeline with an integrated digital twin will be able to propose optimal compositions, processing conditions and microstructures. magnets, significantly reducing development time.

More information:
Anton Bolyachkin et al., Tomography-based digital twin of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets, npj computational materials (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41524-024-01218-5

Provided by National Institute of Materials Science

citation: Scientists use large finite element model to simulate magnetization reversal of Nd-Fe-B magnet (2024, April 26), Retrieved April 27, 2024, from scientists-simulate-magnetization-reversal-fe.html

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