The pink full moon in Scorpio will be even more intense due to the influence of the Death Star

Buckle up my darlings, the toughest month of 2K24 isn’t over yet.

In April, Mercury goes retrograde in fierce natal Aries, a huge solar eclipse, a conjunction that happens every 14 years, and now the most intense full moon of the year.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:49 PM ET, the Full Moon will shine in the fixed, dark, deep waters of Scorpio, opposing the Sun in change-averse, pleasure-seeking Taurus. The Scorpio Full Moon is already a bombshell, but this one is one of the most powerful aspects in all of astrology.

Prepare for the painful birth of a new you.

Tension AF T-Rule

Pluto forms a strong T-square with this full moon. iStockphoto

On Tuesday, when the Sun shines in Taurus and the Moon slumbers in Scorpio, the energies of both will form a powerful T-square with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, which has set up office in Aquarius this year.

Pluto, named after the virgin-robbing god of the underworld, is the planetary ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is associated with excavation, destruction, composting, and the ashes of the past as the grease in the wheels of the new world order.

A T-shape is formed when at least two planets are opposite each other and both are squaring a third planet. The third planet, in this case Pluto, is called the apex or focal planet. Here, the energies of opposing planets are activated and their conflicting nature is expected to be expressed and resolved.

The knot becomes a braid if you wish.

During this Full Moon, our essential self (Sun) is opposed to our emotional nature and instinctive needs (Moon), both of which are in a power struggle/cage match with transformation (Pluto).

As astrologer Frank Clifford explains, “The T-square is like a pressure cooker of energy, impatience, and stress. It symbolizes the conflicting aspects of us. AsthisThe central player, focal planet, is the dynamic release and resolution point of this configuration; the swinging polarization of the opposition can be embodied here. It provides a powerful resolution to pent-up tensions.

During this Full Moon, our essential self (Sun) is opposed to our emotional nature and instinctive needs (Moon), and both are in a power struggle/cage match with transformation (Pluto).


No death, no birth, no courage, no glory

Hades - Dis - Pluto
Pluto is named after the god of the underworld. Archivist –

The T-square always falls in a single pattern, in which case that pattern is fixed. Slow to start and resistant to change, fixed energy holds on tight and often requires a strong external push, Great Scott, are we getting a strong push from this T-square, my darlings.

As Clifford said, “With cubes, there’s no pain and no gain, ‘No courage, no glory.'”

Taurus wants to grind, Scorpio wants to dig, but for what purpose? Under this Moon we can begin to see how to balance the desire to meet our basic needs (Taurus) and tap into our emotional depths (Scorpio) only through burning and re-establishing our relationships with desires and deservedness, resources and To achieve the relationship of relationship.

What are the lessons of this new moon? Letting go is painful, but holding on is impossible.

If we understand Pluto as our focal planet, and the release valve for the tension between the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio, then the key to cosmic progress is radical rebirth.

Pluto is a planet that brings destruction in the name of creation, a sea change in the service of a larger story. Pluto often tests our courage, banishing (often suddenly, rarely gently) what stands in our way. Think of him as Professor Snape, questionable in his methods and well-intentioned beneath all the black cloaks and sneering glances.

What are the lessons of this new moon? Letting go is painful, but holding on is impossible.

Friends, change is at hand, and while rebirth is miraculous, it is violent and unstable, and the moments before it are deep, dark, and terrifying. In order to become who we are, we must burn who we once were.

That’s it.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Stars

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and respectfully reports on planetary configurations and their effects on each sign. Her horoscopes are a blend of history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer, having profiled many artists and performers and chronicling her travels extensively. Among the many interesting topics she discusses include cemetery etiquette, her love of dive bars, Airbnb in Cuba, a girl’s guide to strip clubs, and the weirdest foods abroad.

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