Get ready to unleash yourself during April’s pink full moon in Scorpio

As Nick Drake promised, the pink moon is coming, my darlings.

April has been a fresh hell of a time so far, and we’re not going gentle or sweet into the pastures of Taurus season or this moon phase.Hot Topic: Universe Our affairs are not over yet.

If your eclipse season seems suspiciously low-key and your retrogrades are surprisingly easy, this pink full moon could be your point of departure, descent, and deepening.

Full Moons always fall in the opposite sign of the Sun; this week, the Moon broods in intoxicating, hypnotic Scorpio, while the Sun squints in happy-go-lucky Taurus.

This Full Moon will rise at 4 degrees Scorpio on April 23 at 7:49 PM EST and will bring all kinds of parasites and pain to the surface that need to be cleared away. This is the first time the sun and moon have come into direct contact since the cosmic upheaval of the April 8 solar eclipse.

Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs and will work hard to persevere.

The themes of this new moon include power, intimacy, resources, release, and self-help.

The themes of this new moon include power, intimacy, resources, release, and self-help.

Taurus rules the throat and is associated with consumption and all glorious forms of tangible things. In contrast, Scorpio rules the intestines and genitals, is associated with expulsion and release, and has power in all expressions.

This is the axis of life and death, livelihood and survival, our food and our food, but it is not so light and easy. One Reddit thread calls it “the worst axis in the zodiac,” but that says more about the strength of both than the shortcomings of either.

below as above

Pluto and Persephone represent the Taurus/Scorpio axis. irisphoto1 –

The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, named after the ancient god of the underworld and the heaviest metal god in the pantheon.

Bro wears an invisibility helmet and has a name that only mortals dare not speak aloud. Pluto’s sacrifices were performed under the cover of darkness, and the blood of the dead slowly seeped into the earth.

In this regard, this planet represents death, rebirth, endings, severance, shadow work, and transformation through trauma.

The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, named after the ancient god of the underworld and the heaviest god in the pantheon.

An integral part of the Hades myth is his abduction/seduction of Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of fertility. Legend has it that when the blushing maiden Persephone went out to gather flowers, the ground beneath her feet cracked and Pluto appeared. Through threats or intrigue (reports vary) she traveled with him into the depths of the underworld, where she became the pomegranate-seed-sucking Queen of the Dead.

Persephone’s mother was consumed with grief and brought blight and famine to the land. She begged Zeus/Jove to bring her daughter back to earth. An agreement was made that Persephone would spend half the year in hell (coinciding with autumn and winter) and half the year above ground (coinciding with spring and summer).

living hell

The Taurus/Scorpio axis is about consumption and expulsion. Samurai Mai –

The archetypes of Persephone and Pluto represent the Taurus/Scorpio axis that we must descend to discover (Scorpio) our true nature (Taurus). This axis, this moon, and this myth teach us that we are capable of more than we think, and that true strength is found in reconfiguring ourselves after disaster.

Taurus wants to eat cheese, soak up the sun, masturbate, and pick flowers in the fields, and while that’s fine, a life of pastoral pleasure without formative pain is indeed a limited life.

Taurus wants to eat cheese, soak up the sun, masturbate, and pick flowers in the fields, and while that’s all well and good, a life of pastoral pleasure without formative pain is indeed a limited life. Suffering (hence, it comes from the Latin “to bear from below”) is an essential part of the development of our souls, and gosh, we can’t truly know the fullness of spring and the taste of sun-warmed strawberries without experiencing it. Fallow fields.

Tension AF T-Rule

Pluto forms a strong T-square with this full moon. iStockphoto

As the Sun shines in Taurus and the Moon broods in Scorpio, the energies of both will form a powerful T-square with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, in Aquarius. Read more about this strong influence here.

pink moon meaning

The pink moon is named for the phlox that covers the earth this time of year. Alekskan12 –

Despite the nickname, the Moon in Scorpio won’t appear pink on April 23.

Heck, April’s full moon gets its name from the bloom of ground phlox, a spreading wildflower also known as creeping phlox (more appropriate for Scorpios), moss phlox, or moss pink.

Other names for April’s full moon include fertility-related names such as the “Sprouting Grass Moon,” the “Egg Moon,” and the “Fish Moon” among coastal tribes because this is the time when shad swim upstream to lay their eggs.

After all, folks, aren’t we? all Just want to swim upstream to spawn?

In all these names we see the primal pulse of new life. This is an open call to shed old roots and make room for what wants to sprout.

Since the full moon shines in the fixed signs, those of you born under the sign of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will feel the effects of the moon’s phases most acutely. If your main job falls into these signs, take extra care of yourself over the next few days.

Welcome grief like a gift, greet what comes with determination, and move toward grace with courage.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and respectfully reports on planetary configurations and their effects on each sign. Her horoscopes are a blend of history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers and documented her travels extensively. Among the many interesting topics she discusses include cemetery etiquette, her love of dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, girls’ guides to strip clubs, and the weirdest foods abroad.

#ready #unleash #Aprils #pink #full #moon #Scorpio
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