April’s Pink Full Moon: When and Where to See It and What It Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Following the total solar eclipse in early April, another astronomical event took place in the sky.

A full moon will appear Tuesday night and will last about three days, according to NASA.

April’s full moon is known as the Pink Moon.

Here’s what to know.

When can the full Pink Moon be seen?

According to NASA, the Pink Moon will reach its highest illumination in the United States on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:49 pm ET.

The moon will be full for several days this week from Monday morning to Thursday morning, the agency said.

Why is it called a pink moon?

The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which first began publishing full moon names in the 1930s, noted that some eastern Native American tribes referred to April’s full moon as the “Pink Moon” because the name was derived from the moon’s correspondence with earlier moons. wildflowers.

The pink moon takes its name from the pink herbaceous moss, native to the eastern United States, which blooms in early spring, according to the Maine Farmers’ Almanac.

The full moon is known as the “Pink Moon” because the name comes from the moon’s association with early spring wildflowers.

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According to NASA, this moon has other names, including the budding Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon among coastal tribes because it occurs when shad, a fish found along the Atlantic coast, begin to grow. It is called the “Fish Moon”.

Other tribes reportedly named the moon after signs of spring.

For example, the Old Farmer’s Almanac notes that some Native American tribes called April’s full moon the “Icebreaker Moon” and the “Duck Return Moon.”

Besides a pink moon, what else can you see in the sky?

According to NASA, when twilight ends at 8:56 pm ET on Tuesday, April 23, the moon will be 10 degrees above the east-southeast horizon.

Jupiter is located 4 degrees above the west-northwest horizon.

Related | When will the world and North America see the next total solar eclipse?

Another bright object visible in the sky is Regulus, which is the 21st brightest star in the sky, according to NASA.

Although Regulus appears to be one star, it is actually two pairs of stars orbiting each other, making a total of four stars, according to NASA.

What is the zodiac sign of April’s Pink Moon?

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, known for his cosmic guidance to celebrities, businesses and online influencers, spoke on Good Morning America about the best ways to take advantage of this resourceful full moon.

The sign of each full moon is determined by the moon’s position relative to the different constellations in the night sky.

This year, the Pink Moon is positioned as a Full Moon in Scorpio, a water sign ruled by intimacy, sex, the shadow self, and the occult. Thomas said that as a sign, Scorpio is very concerned with how we share resources in life and around the world.

He added: “It will be very important to have a balance between what we give and what we receive, and any imbalance in these themes will be very important.”

Rituals and Performances to Try During the Pink Moon

From Chinese traditions to Hebrew festivals, many ancient cultures celebrated celestial cycles and often revered the power of the moon.

Thomas says that because Scorpio is a water sign, with a strong focus on intimacy, sex, vulnerability, sharing and rebirth, these energies are amplified in the collective.

Since this sign is also associated with assets, investments, and large money matters, rituals surrounding these themes will be powerful.

Since Scorpio is a water sign, using emotional transformation and alchemy to manifest can be very effective. “However, using liquids such as water, essential oils and lotions may also be effective,” Thomas says.

Potential Meditation, Mantra, or Journaling Prompt:

  • I free myself from fear, trauma, and insecurity.
  • I open myself to true intimacy and vulnerability.
  • I will not let my past failures or fears in love control me.
  • I am a phoenix, always ready to be reborn and renewed.

Astrology Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign Pink Moon

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This full moon will bring some light to your relationships, Aries.

“Fortunately, if you’re on the fence, that might make your union stronger, but if things don’t align, it might also cause friction,” Thomas said.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, it’s time to level up your partnerships.

“Depending on where you stand, you may make big decisions to move into the next phase together, such as moving, getting engaged, or getting married,” Thomas says. “This can also impact a business partnership.”

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini, your professional life is hitting the reset button!

“This full moon may mark a major end or turning point in your job. Some may be laid off or choose to leave now,” Thomas says.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Love is on the way, Cancer.

“As your house of passion becomes activated, you may experience a major turning point in romance, true love, hobbies, fertility, or creativity,” adds Thomas.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, take care of your emotions.

“A major ending may occur at this time, such as a move, renovation, or decision to completely redecorate,” Thomas says. “Conversely, some Leos may reach a milestone in a real estate matter.”

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Please keep an open mind at this time, Virgo.

“The full moon will activate your communication, intellectual and thought areas. Many Virgos will launch a major writing, speaking or advertising project at this time, while others will be focused on locking in a major contract work,” says Thomas.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, watch your finances!

Thomas says, “This full moon will shake up your income, wealth, and resources. Many Libras will find that they will actually make more money through a raise, a side hustle, or a new job opportunity.”

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpio, sit back and reflect.

“When the full moon falls in your sign, you’ll get a taste of the new journey you’re about to embark on,” Thomas said. “When you watch the previous chapter of your life disappear before your eyes, the big ending, Breakthroughs or collapses can happen.”

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Just keep your head up and trust the process, Sagittarius!

“This full moon may feel quite difficult for you as you are forced to confront your past, your baggage, your anxieties and your fears,” Thomas says.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn, your social circle may be going through some changes.

According to Thomas, “When the full moon energizes this area of ​​your life, you might attend a major event, build up a storm, or find a friend stepping in to help you achieve a heartfelt personal goal. This could be Another way it affects you is by removing friends or acquaintances from your life.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Your hard work is paying off, Aquarius.

“The upcoming full moon will bring a fire to your career, ambitions, and public recognition,” Thomas says. “A major award, promotion, new job opportunity or publicity may arise and lift your name to the sky.”

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Big changes are happening, Pisces!

“As the Full Moon dances sweetly with your star, you’ll find that you now have the motivation and courage to change it up and step out of your comfort zone. Many Pisceans may be reaching a new level on a long-distance project or a new milestone. milestone.

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