15 big cats rescued after historic rescue mission at Thai tiger farm, including an emaciated 20-year-old tiger

The Wildlife Friends Foundation of Thailand (WFFT) has successfully rescued twelve tigers and three leopards from an undisclosed tiger farm in northern Thailand. The rescue marks the first phase of the largest tiger rescue operation ever undertaken by a Thai NGO. The mission, launched on December 16, aims to combat the illegal wildlife trade and provide emergency medical care to captive big cats living in deplorable conditions.

With an estimated 1,700 tigers in captivity, Thailand is grappling with the challenges posed by its captive tiger industry. Many tigers are raised on so-called “tiger farms” for unethical purposes, including selling cubs to zoos and exotic pet owners, or harvesting body parts for use in traditional Chinese medicine. Thailand’s geographical location has led to the illegal movement of captive tigers across borders, making it a hotspot for illegal wildlife traders.

Government officials, accompanied by a veterinary team and WFFT wildlife experts, raided an undisclosed tiger farm following legal action over alleged illegal wildlife trade. The initial phase involved rescuing 15 animals, with priority given to those in need of urgent medical attention. The rescue operation was extremely challenging, with the elderly tigers and sick leopards needing to be sedated, undergo health checks and then carefully transported to specialized cages for rehoming.

Among the animals rescued was Salamas, an emaciated twenty-year-old tiger. Because of her fragile condition, rescuers did not sedate her but instead coaxed her into a transport cage with food. The rescue team, worried she was too weak to walk, spent hours encouraging Salamas and she eventually found the strength to enter the cage. Despite her worrying condition, rescuers are optimistic about her recovery.

Other notable rescues include a timid female tiger (dubbed “A-1”) and Rambo, a twenty-year-old tiger suffering from breathing difficulties. The animals, who have spent their lives in tiny concrete enclosures, are now destined to enter a sanctuary where they will experience their natural habitat for the first time.

The rescued tigers and leopards will find their forever homes at the WFFT Tiger Rescue Center in Phetchaburi. The sanctuary covers seventeen acres and is close to their natural habitat, allowing the animals to roam freely, socialize, and even swim in the lake. WFFT, which previously rescued tigers from a closed zoo during the pandemic, has expanded its facility to accommodate the newest arrivals and emphasizes the importance of providing a suitable environment for the animals to rehabilitate.

The undisclosed tiger farm has been embroiled in legal disputes with government wildlife officials for years and is suspected of being at the center of illegal wildlife trafficking. The facility, located in northern Thailand near the border with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, has been subject to multiple government inspections and evidence of wildlife trafficking was found during previous inspections. There are reports that the facility, which housed 46 tigers and cubs in 2021, is about to close.

Edwin Wiek, founder and director of WFFT, said: “After months of planning, we are so excited that the largest NGO tiger rescue operation in Thailand’s history is finally giving these magnificent animals a new life at the WFFT Tiger Rescue Centre. Sorry The best is that they can never return to the wild, but we can provide them with the next best thing: a safe haven where they can roam the woodlands, socialize with other tigers, and even swim in a lake. We thank Thailand The government’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNP) takes action to combat the illegal wildlife trade and is working with WFFT to help give these tigers the second chance they deserve.”

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Image Source : www.onegreenplanet.org

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