Star bars show galaxies evolved much faster in the early universe than previously thought

Star bars show galaxies evolved much faster in the early universe than previously thought

A grayscale image of the 10.6-billion-year-old galaxy EGS_31125 as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope. The galaxy’s bar is visible (outlined as a thick purple line in the center …

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Manipulating the geometry of the ‘electron universe’ in magnets

Manipulating the geometry of the 'electron universe' in magnets

Left: The movement of light in the strong gravitational field of the universe.Center: Non-ohmic conduction resulting from the non-trivial quantum metrological structure of the “electron universe” can be tuned through …

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New paper thinks looking beyond deadly Venus to find life in the universe

New paper thinks looking beyond deadly Venus to find life in the universe

This lithograph shows images of Venus from the Pioneer Venus, Magellan, TRACE, and Venus Express missions.Image source: NASA A new paper argues that uninhabitable Venus offers important lessons about the …

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New model of the Big Bang shows visible universe and invisible dark matter co-evolved

New model of the Big Bang shows visible universe and invisible dark matter co-evolved

Researchers at Northeastern University have shown that our visible universe and invisible dark matter likely co-evolved from the Big Bang.Image source: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Physicists have long believed that there …

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Could Earth and Jupiter serve as laboratories to help solve the mysteries of the universe?

Could Earth and Jupiter serve as laboratories to help solve the mysteries of the universe?

Scientists say planets in our solar system, such as Earth and Jupiter, could be used to detect gravitational waves and learn more about the mysteries of the universe, from the …

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